Looking For A Used Electric Hunting Bike? – Vital Bargain Hunter Tips

Electric hunting bikes are far from a new invention – in fact, it’s been around for a few years already, and in that time it has seen its popularity rise significantly. The tough-built yet lightweight frame, super-absorbent suspensions, and the motor – the heartbeat of the e-bike – all work together to give you that extra edge during your hunting trips.
If you’re a young, sprightly hunter, having an Electric Hunting Bike is sure to take you further than you’ve ever been on your hunting trips. And if you’re the operator of a body that is starting to feel a little worn out (due to age or injury-related ailments), with knees just don’t seem to be as reliable as they were before, electric hunting bikes are a fantastic way to keep that hunter instinct alive – giving you that much-needed peace of mind when it comes to survival when you’re alone out there in the wild.
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Where Can I Find Used Electric Hunting Bikes?
With all the benefits and comforts it provides, Electric Hunting Bikes are definitely a great hunting tool to have, especially when taken on long haul trips that might otherwise not be possible by foot. While prices of new Electric Hunting Bikes and used ones aren’t all that different, you may be looking to find something used first to test first before getting a brand new one.
Luckily, there are several places on the internet where you can find some pretty good used electric hunting bikes for some good prices – and with that cash you’ve saved on a used one, it just means you’ll have more to spare for your brand new, spec’d out Ebike in the future. But first, here are some sites to try when you’re in the market for a used Electric Hunting Bike to use for your future hunting expeditions.
Who hasn’t heard about eBay? The online auction site lists hundreds of electric bikes – both in new and used condition. Electric Hunting Bikes are still quite a niche category, however so bear in mind that you might one day stumble upon a great bargain, or you might end up scrolling through an endless list of regular electric bikes that don’t specifically fit your hunting requirements. Whatever the case, if you’re looking for a used Electric Hunting Bike, eBay would be the first place to look into.
Also, another popular website to list used items for sale, gumtree has some great deals on electric bikes, or, more specifically, Electric Hunting Bikes for you to discover. Try searching through the available listings on gumtree, and who knows – you might just find a perfect deal for you.
Facebook Marketplace
Disclaimer: Facebook Marketplace is kind of like a “luck of the draw” site – where you might actually find an Electric Hunting Bike one day, and it’s gone the next. However – the best part is that it’s so easy to use and so easy to type “whatever-brand-Electric Hunting Bike” in the Facebook Marketplace search bar and you’re bound to find one near you, or in the neighboring town or city. Plus, you probably already have Facebook, so there’s nothing stopping you from taking a few minutes to get on Marketplace in your quest for a good used Electric Hunting Bike.
Electricbike.com Forums
Forums are also a great way to really get involved with a worldwide community of electric bike lovers. Whatever niche that you’re into, you’re bound to find some similar people who can point you in the right direction. And with Electric Hunting Bikes fast becoming a popular form of reliable mobility for hunters during prolonged expeditions, you can be sure to find plenty of used ones being offloaded in such community forums.
Vital Tips For The Bargain Hunter
Buying a used Electric Hunting Bike off the internet is a great feeling, especially when you know you’ve scored a great deal. However, there are certain caveats when it comes to buying anything online, and it’s always recommended to keep these tips in mind when getting your e-bike off a seller you met on the internet.
- Fully assess quality
If possible, ask for as many pictures as possible, and ask for video proof that the e-bike you’re buying is working perfectly. There’s nothing worse than having a used Electric Hunting Bike die on you right in the middle of your hunting expedition, miles away from your truck, and a big load of heavy gear to lug around.
- Check the ownership
Electric Hunting Bikes aren’t considered as motorized vehicles in the U.S and do not require any registration – however, they are a big cash investment, so it always helps to double-check if the person you’re buying from is legitimate, and not some middleman who’s passing on a stolen Electric Hunting Bike – or you might find yourself in some sticky legal liabilities in the worst-case scenario.
Why Electric Hunting Bikes Are So Popular
If you’re new to the world of Electric Hunting Bikes, you’re probably thinking – how can an electric bicycle ever replace an ATV or any other motorized hunting vehicle? Well, you’d be surprised to know that there are plenty of benefits that Electric Hunting Bikes have over your mobile gas guzzler – here are some of them listed below:
- They are economical
Motorized hunting vehicles consume gas. Those with bigger motors consume even more gas, and when you’re riding around in circles trying to stalk your prey, the fuel costs can quickly add up. Electric hunting bikes reduce this cost by eliminating fuel out of the equation altogether – all you need is the charger and a wall socket, and you’re good to go for your next hunting trip. Maintenance of e-bikes are also generally known to be so much simpler and more economical than motorized vehicles.
- They are flexible
With max speeds up to 20mph and motors that run up to 750w, Electric Hunting Bikes allow you to move quickly and easily through any type of terrain – especially through parts you could never access with a bigger motorized vehicle.
They usually come with fat tires that grip to any surface, and the lightweight yet super strong metal frames ensure that you’re not carrying any extra weight than you’re supposed to. There are several attachments that allow you to lug around all the gear you need for your hunting expeditions – and though you can pedal on the bike, the battery-powered motor allows you to throttle along smoothly, no matter the terrain or elevation.
- Quieter than engines
Engines on conventional motorized vehicles can get pretty loud, and its common wisdom that animals get scared off by loud noises. The fuel and exhaust from motorized hunting vehicles can also be picked up by your prey’s keen sense of smell – and if they get spooked by your presence, you’re not going to bring that kill home. Electric bikes allow you to move extremely stealthily – the motor silently whirrs along while getting you closer to your kill, and with no fuel being used, there is virtually no scent trail that can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful hunt.
- Safer during emergencies
When you need to make your exit – and fast – Electric Hunting Bikes allow you to change directions and quickly zip your way out of a potentially dangerous situation at speeds of up to 25mph, even with all the gear that you’re carrying. Plus, there’s no risk of any ignition faults, which may happen in motorized vehicles – not great at all if bigger creatures or any unsavory characters you might encounter are running at full speed towards you.
What To Look Out For When Choosing An Electric Hunting Bike?
There are 4 main factors to look out for when choosing an Electric Hunting Bike.
Different Electric Hunting Bikes come with different motors from 500w to 1000w, which means that there may be slight differences when it comes to things like acceleration, but top speed almost always remains at the same benchmarks of around 25mph. If you need quick and zippy acceleration, pick an Electric Hunting Bike with a larger wattage on the motor.
Size & Weight
This will define how good the handling of your Ebike will be. If you’re of a smaller build, it makes sense to find a smaller sized frame that fits you well and vice versa for those who are larger than average.
Range & Battery life
The average distance an Electric Hunting Bike can cover in a single expedition without any pedaling involved hovers around the 30+ mile mark. With pedal and motor power together, this combined cadence can get you close to twice that distance. Research on the battery type comes with your Electric Hunting Bike to know how far you can reasonably go on your hunting trips without risking running out of juice halfway through.
Loading Capacity
Most, if not all, Electric Hunting Bicycles come with heavy-duty steel racks soldered straight into the frame to carry whatever needs to be carried. If you haul a lot of gear on your hunting trips, it would be wise to pick something that looks and feels sturdy.
Final Thoughts
Finding a good deal online is a great feeling – even more so when you’re looking for something as specific as a good Electric Hunting Bike. If you do manage to spot a bargain, always make sure to follow the steps above to make sure you’re taking home a used Electric Hunting Bike that is in good condition and can make your hunting trips more enjoyable – without worrying about chronic pain in the knees!
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