Thinking Of Buying An E-Bike? Now Is The Best Time To Buy Here’s Why
If you’ve made the decision to buy an e-bike, you might be wondering if now is the right time?
Maybe you can wait a little longer to save up some more? Maybe you need to do a little more research? Research no longer as the time is right now, and we will explain why!
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Why Now Is The Right Time For An E-bike?
If this was any other year, I could tell you about sales from outlets and discuss which places had the best value at which times. We could compare models and costs against features to establish value for money, but that isn’t going to be the case.
Why? The best time to buy an e-bike is situated at a perfect intersection of low prices per unit and times when there are generally fewer people on the roads to allow you the confidence to explore the world on your new transport solution.
Right now, we are in a world that is seeing all of those circumstances all at once. The current climate around Coronavirus has created a perfect storm.
People are generally still indoors, and fewer people are around on the roads creating a great environment for cyclists.
When that is combined with lower prices because many companies are struggling for sales, you have the best reasons to go out and buy that e-bike.
A bonus reason that has emerged is due to the circumstances themselves! Coronavirus has made a lot of people reconsider how they commute to and from work.
As people begin to view public transport with suspicion due to the close proximity of other people and the potential for germs sitting around on surfaces, many are turning to alternate methods.
One of those methods is cycling to work and from place to place as society begins to question their reliance on public transport.
The e-bike provides the perfect solution, offering the freedom of cycling and a solo method of transport (that doesn’t emit a greenhouse gas), while the electric motor provides the ease of motion giving the rider not only a greater sustained speed but an extended range thanks to high capacity motors on modern e-bikes.
Find A E-bike That Fits Your Budget
Many people, maybe even yourself, have been put off from finally committing to that purchase.
After all, the lure of the e-bike is easy to see; the freedom of being able to cycle without the excretion that puts many off.
The ability to move effortlessly at a constant speed makes getting an e-bike so tempting, but ultimately, the high prices can put people off. Some models of e-bike sell for the same price as a small car or motorcycle.
While the high prices are undeniable, e-bikes offer a freedom that conventional vehicles cannot offer, for example, e-bikes can cut through parkland and utilize bike and cycle trails that are not accessible to cars or motorcycles.
Many of the newer models offer the best of both worlds, being operated as a manual cycle while having a powerful motor that can maintain speeds of 20mph and a range between 20-35 miles between charges.
Despite all the great benefits, people have still been put off by the cost of these fantastic machines. All that is beginning to change. With the restrictions placed on many companies and consumers being restricted from entering storefronts, manufacturers have to respond.
This response is to start lowering prices, with some companies reducing the cost of specific models by up to 50%.
Van Moof and GoCycle are great examples of prices being slashed, both are well-established names in the world of e-bikes, and these companies have been slashing prices to encourage people to take the plunge and purchase one of their products.
With prices dropping to bring customers in, combined with a new normal, now is really the time to make that purchase.
Ebikes Are Powerful, Stylish And Efficient
The first generation of e-bikes was, honestly, pretty weird looking. It wasn’t so much of a fashion statement as a crucial tool for commuters that had made the decision to avoid public transport, while still keeping their carbon footprint down.
Defined by awkward use and clunky looks, with very limited range and poor speeds. The electric motor was only useful for providing a little assist when cycling up hills, even this wasn’t great.
E-bikes have moved on so far since those early days, with sleek looks, powerful motors, and stunning range from a single charge.
Combining the freedom of cycling with the effortless reliability of motorized transport, the e-bike really is the modern transport solution for local commutes or leisure.
As we adapt to new normal, working from home isn’t appropriate for everyone, this means that traveling to the office or your place of work is inevitable. For many people, public transport is the most practical way to get to work, but maintaining a distance of two meters between passengers isn’t always possible.
This could play havoc with your journeys with waiting becoming longer as buses reduce capacity and even the time taken to travel from one place to the next increasing; besides, do you trust public transport right now?
Bicycles have been used for years (at least a century) as theses are often an excellent alternative for a trip that could be too far to walk, but this is where people have shied away. A traditional bicycle requires manual effort to move.
In the summer months or even long distances can leave typical riders needing a shower after, this isn’t great if you’re riding to an important meeting or a job interview, or even a regular workday, drenched in sweat.
An electric motor takes some of this effort and strain off the rider, with many bikes coming with an assist function to provide a boost while manually cycling or even a throttle feature meaning they can be ridden without requiring pedal power.
You might even have noticed that your local city has an e-bike hire scheme? Due to the inherent problem with sanitizing these bikes, many of these schemes have been stopped or suspended for the time being. Having your own e-bike eliminates this problem immediately.
Your own e-bike also doesn’t require touching buttons, ticket machines, door handles, parking meters, or anything else you’d usually need to tap and poke on a typical journey by car, bus or train.
More Freedom To Go Where You Want
A great benefit of the e-bike in all modes, from pedal-assist to motorized movement, will appeal to users who might be a little older, suffer from illnesses or chronic fatigue, be recovering from an injury, or maybe just getting into exercise and not quite at the cardio level it takes to use bicycles constantly over longer ranges. The e-bike can make cycling enjoyable and accessible for everyone again.
An e-bike is an excellent way to get out and enjoy the countryside without now being restricted by how far away you live from green spaces or parks. With less energy spent pedaling, you can go further than you could previously and get out and explore. Not only can the e-bike assist in becoming more active, but the act of being outside can have tremendous effects on your mental health.
E-bikes Are A Better Option For The Environment
I won’t lie, the power to charge your bike’s battery could have been generated by a fossil fuel power station (it depends where you live and how you get your electricity).
What is undeniable is that an e-bike will still have a far smaller carbon footprint than any kind of car, yes, even an electric one, because of the lower power requirements of an e-bike combined with the smaller size and lighter construction.
The Time Really Is Now!
With the current climate creating the new normal, NOW is the perfect time to finally make that purchase. You’ve already decided that you want to take advantage of the great benefits offered by the e-bike, now you can reap the benefits of getting outside and enjoying the freedom offered by the e-bike.
Happy trails!
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